Quran 39:23
click to listen to tilawat Surah Az-Zumar
click to listen to tilawat Surah Az-Zumar
press to listen to the tilawat and english translation Surah 021 Al-Anbiya
Verse of the Day - 14 Nov 21 Surah al-An`am 6:125
Verse of the Day : 12 Nov 21 Surah Al-Maidah
Verse of the Day - 12 Nov 21 Surah al-Ma`idah (5)
Verse of the Day - 9 Nov 21 Surah As-Sajdah 32:27
Surah as-Sajdah has an Ayat of prostration (32:15) .There are 15 places of prostration in the Quran.In the 15th Ayat...
Verse of the Day - 7 Nov 21 Surah Baqarah Ayat 186
Verse of the Day - 6 Nov 2021 Surah An-Nisa'