Quran 80:33~42
The Surah takes its name from the first Ayat, عَبَسَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ "He frowned and turned away." There are 42 Ayat...
The Surah takes its name from the first Ayat, عَبَسَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ "He frowned and turned away." There are 42 Ayat...
An-Naba or The News (Arabic: النبأ, an-nabaʼ, also known as “The Tidings”, “The Announcement”) is the seventy-eighth chapter (surah) of...
Surah al-Mu’minum takes its name after the first Ayat, قَدْ أَفْلَحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ “Certainly will the Believers have succeeded.” .This Surah...
The Surah takes its name from the first Ayat, ق ۚ وَالْقُرْآنِ الْمَجِيدِ“Qaf. By the honored Qur’an…” (50:1).There are 45...
An-Nāziʻāt (Arabic: النازعات, “Those Who Pull Out”, in reference to “the angels who tear out the souls of the wicked”)...