Quran 86:11~14
The Surah takes its name from the first Ayat, وَالسَّمَاءِ وَالطَّارِقِ “By the sky and the night comer -” There...
The Surah takes its name from the first Ayat, وَالسَّمَاءِ وَالطَّارِقِ “By the sky and the night comer -” There...
An-Naba or The News (Arabic: النبأ, an-nabaʼ, also known as “The Tidings”, “The Announcement”) is the seventy-eighth chapter (surah) of...
The Surah is named after the story of the men awaiting on the “Elevations” between Paradise and Hell.It comprises of...
Nūḥ (Arabic: نوح, “Noah”) is the seventy-first chapter (surah) of the Quran with 28 verses (ayat). click the button above...
The Surah derives its name from Ibrahim, the father of all prophets who came after him.There are 52 ayat in...
Al-An’am (Arabic: ٱلأنعام, al-ʾanʿām; meaning: The Cattle) is the sixth chapter (sūrah) of the Quran, with 165 verses (āyāt). Click...
The Surah takes its name from the first Ayat, ق ۚ وَالْقُرْآنِ الْمَجِيدِ "Qaf. By the honored Qur'an..." (50:1).There are 45 Ayat in this Surah....
This Surah takes its name from the first Ayat, إِذَا وَقَعَتِ الْوَاقِعَةُ “When the Occurrence occurs,” (56:1).There are 96 Ayat...
Al-Baqara, alternatively transliterated Al-Baqarah (Arabic: البقرة, ’al-baqarah; lit. “The Heifer” or “The Cow”), is the second and longest chapter (surah)...
Al-Baqara, alternatively transliterated Al-Baqarah (Arabic: البقرة, ’al-baqarah; lit. “The Heifer” or “The Cow”), is the second and longest chapter (surah)...