Quran 16:48~50
The Bee (Arabic: الْنَّحْل; an-naḥl) is the 16th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur’an, with 128 verses (āyāt). click the button...
Quran 32:10~12
Surah as-Sajdah has an Ayat of prostration (32:15) .There are 15 places of prostration in the Quran.In the 15th Ayat...
Quran 32:9 (partial)
Surah as-Sajdah has an Ayat of prostration (32:15) .There are 15 places of prostration in the Quran.In the 15th Ayat...
Quran: 32:1~3
Surah as-Sajdah has an Ayat of prostration (32:15) . There are 15 places of prostration in the Quran. In the...
Hadees: Abu Dawud 2/0849
Supplication between two prostrations in Prayer
Quran 96:9~19
The Surah takes its name after the second Ayat,خَلَقَ الْإِنسَانَ مِنْ عَلَقٍ“Created man from a clinging substance.” .There are 19...
Quran 7:204~206
The Surah is named after the story of the men awaiting on the “Elevations” between Paradise and Hell.It comprises of...
Quran 22:18
Named after the obligation of the pilgrimage to Makkah – The Hajj.The word ‘Hajj’ is only mentioned once in this...
Quran 32:15~17
Surah as-Sajdah has an Ayat of prostration (32:15) .There are 15 places of prostration in the Quran.In the 15th Ayat...