Quran 79:42~46
An-Nāziʻāt (Arabic: النازعات, “Those Who Pull Out”, in reference to “the angels who tear out the souls of the wicked”)...
Hadees: Ibn-e-Majah 925
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Quran 18:27~28
Al-Kahf (Arabic: الكهف, al-kahf; meaning: The Cave) is the 18th chapter (sūrah) of the Quran with 110 verses (āyāt). click...
Quran 20:128~130
Surah TaHa takes its name after the disjointed letters from the first Ayat.It has 135 ayat. click the button above...
Quran 7:204~206
The Surah is named after the story of the men awaiting on the “Elevations” between Paradise and Hell.It comprises of...