Quran 29:69
The Spider (Arabic: العنكبوت, al-‘ankabūt) is the 29th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 69 verses (āyāt). click the button...
The Spider (Arabic: العنكبوت, al-‘ankabūt) is the 29th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 69 verses (āyāt). click the button...
Surah an-Nur takes its name after the Ayat, اللَّـهُ نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ “Allah is the Light of the heavens and...
The surah takes its name from Ayat no. 68, “And your Lord inspired to the bee, "Take for yourself among...
The Surah is named after the story of the men awaiting on the “Elevations” between Paradise and Hell.It comprises of...
The Surah is named after the story of the men awaiting on the “Elevations” between Paradise and Hell.It comprises of...
The Surah is named after the story of the men awaiting on the “Elevations” between Paradise and Hell.It comprises of...
The Surah is named after the story of the men awaiting on the “Elevations” between Paradise and Hell.It comprises of...
The Surah is named after the story of the men awaiting on the “Elevations” between Paradise and Hell.It comprises of...