And He is the One Who sends the winds ushering in His mercy, and We send down pure rain from the sky,giving life to a lifeless land, and providing water for countless animals and humans of Our Own creation.
We certainly disperse it among them so they may be mindful, but most people persist in ungratefulness.
Quran 25:48~50
Surah al-Furqan (The Criterion)
Surah al-Furqan [The Criterion] takes its name from the first Ayat,
تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ الْفُرْقَانَ عَلَىٰ عَبْدِهِ
“Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion upon His Servant…” [25:1]
This Surah has 77 Ayat.
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The Surah answers some of the objections of the non-believers against the Qur’an and the teachings of Islam. It also presents the character of the Believers as criteria to prove the truth of Islam.
اور وہی ہے جو اپنی رحمت کے آگے آگے ہواؤں کو 
بشارت بنا کر بھیجتا ہے 
پھر آسمان سے پاک پانی 
نازل کرتا ہے 
تاکہ ایک مردہ علاقے کو 
اس کے ذریعے زندگی بخشے 
اپنی مخلوق میں سے بہت سے جانوروں اور انسانوں کو 
سیراب کرے 

اس کرشمے کو ہم بار بار ان کے سامنے لاتے ہیں 
تاکہ وہ کچھ سبق لیں، 
مگر اکثر لوگ کفر اور ناشکری کے سوا کوئی دوسرا رویہ اختیار کرنے سے انکار کر دیتے ہیں
Prophet Muhammad came as a Warner for the whole world. The evil of Shirk. The objections of those who denied the Prophet and his message.
The Punishment of those who deny Allah and His message.
Non-believers’ demand to see the angels or Allah. Non-believers say why the whole Qur’an was not sent down at once.
Examples of the people of Prophets Moses, Aaron, Noah and ‘Ad, Thamud and the People of al-Rass.
Examples from the natural world: shadows, night and day, winds of rain, oceans with two different types of waters, creation of human beings, creation of the heaven and earth in six days.
The character and qualities of the most faithful servants of Allah.