Let people then consider their food:how We pour down rain in abundance and meticulously split the earth open ˹for sprouts˺, causing grain to grow in it,as well as grapes and greens, and olives and palm trees,and dense orchards,and fruit and fodder—all as ˹a means of˺ sustenance for you and your animals.Quran 80:24~32Surah  `Abasa (He Frowned)
The Surah takes its name from the first Ayat, عَبَسَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ “He frowned and turned away.” [80:1]
There are 42 Ayat in this Surah.
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فَلْيَنظُرِ ٱلْإِنسَـٰنُ إِلَىٰ طَعَامِهِۦٓ
أَنَّا صَبَبْنَا ٱلْمَآءَ صَبًّا
ثُمَّ شَقَقْنَا ٱلْأَرْضَ شَقًّا
فَأَنۢبَتْنَا فِيهَا حَبًّا
وَعِنَبًا وَقَضْبًا
وَزَيْتُونًا وَنَخْلًا
وَحَدَآئِقَ غُلْبًا
وَفَـٰكِهَةً وَأَبًّا
The Surah begins with the incident of a blind man (Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum) who came to the Prophet to seek knowledge, while the chiefs of Makkah were denying the message. It talks about the greatness of Allah’s message. Those who will accept this message they will benefit from it. But those who deny this message they are bringing harm to their own selves.
پھر ذرا 
انسان اپنی خوراک کو دیکھے 
ہم نے اوپر سے مینہ برسایا پھر
ہم نے زمین کو چیر کر پھاڑا پھر
ہم نے اس میں اناج ا گایا
اور انگور اور ترکاریاں 
اور زیتون اور کھجوریں 
اور گھنے باغ 
اور طرح طرح کے پھل، 
اور چارے تمہارے لیے 
اور تمہارے مویشیوں کے لیے 
سامان زیست کے طور پر
1-2(Prophet Muhammad Frowned & Turned Away, Because there came to him the blind man (Ibne Umme Maktoum)),
3-10(God Teaches That In Preaching Preference Should Be Given To The Seekers Of Guidance Not To Powerful/Influential People),
11-16(Quran Preserved In Honored Pages, Written By Nobles),
17-32(God Created Man Guided him Than Causes his Death, God’s Favors On Man: Water, Fruits & vegetation, But He Is Ungrateful, Look At Your Food, Cattle And Other Blessings Of God And Honor His Commands),
33-42(Last Day description: Man Will Flee From His Relatives, Only One Issue In His Mind- Which Is about His Ownself, That Day Some Faces Bright & Some Faces Dark And Dusty)