Quran 9:30~31

In Ayat 118, occurs the case of the three companions whom Allah turned to and accepted their tawbah to Him – those who had abstained from joining the Jihad at the Battle of Tabuk.

Proclamation that the Treaty of Hudaibiyah is cancelled.
Honor the treaties with those who honor them. Fight with those who have broken the treaty.
Mushrikin are forbidden to be the caretakers of the Masjid al-Haram.
Muslims should trust Allah, not just their numbers.
Jews and Christians also committed Shirk. Command to spend in the path of Allah. The correct number of months.
The Tabuk expedition.
Those who stayed behind and did not participate in the Battle of Tabuk, hypocrites and weak in faith.
The proper distribution of charity. Those who speak ill of the Prophet or make fun of Allah and His Book.
The hypocrite men and women.