Indeed, the wicked are ˹entrenched˺ in misguidance, and ˹are bound for˺ blazes.On the Day they will be dragged into the Fire on their faces, ˹they will be told,˺ “Taste the touch of Hell !”Quran 54:47~48
This Surah takes its name from the first Ayat, اقْتَرَبَتِ السَّاعَةُ وَانشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ “The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two].” (54:1). Surah al-Qamar is in the 27th Juzz and the word Qamar [moon] appears in the Qur’an 27 times. An interesting observation is that the Moon orbits the Earth every 27 days.
There are 55 Ayat in this Surah.
click the button above to listen to the recitation of this Quranic verse again
إِنَّ ٱلْمُجْرِمِينَ فِى ضَلَلٍۢ وَسُعُرٍۢ ‎
‏يَوْمَ يُسْحَبُونَ فِى ٱلنَّارِ عَلَىٰ وُجُوهِهِمْ ذُوقُوا۟ مَسَّ سَقَرَ ‎
The Surah talks about the approaching Day of Judgment. It describes some of the scenes of that Day. It also tells us that Allah’s judgment may come here and now. There are references to the flood that came at the time of Prophet Noah, the punishment of the people of ‘Ad, Thamud, People of Prophet Lot, the Pharaoh and his people. It ends with the good news for the Believers who will be near their Lord in the gardens of bliss.
یہ مجرم لوگ در حقیقت غلط فہمی میں میں مبتلا ہیں اور اِن کی عقل ماری گئی ہے 
جس روز یہ منہ کے بل آگ میں گھسیٹے جائیں گے اُس روز اِن سے کہا جائے گا کہ اب چکھو جہنم کی لپٹ کا مزا
The Day of Judgment is near. References to Prophet Noah, and to the tribe of ‘Ad,
References to the Thamud tribe, Prophet Lot and his people.
Pharaoh and his arrogance. The opponents in Makkah are told whether they think they are better or more powerful than those nations. The wrong doers did suffer the consequences of their evil deeds.

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